Friday, June 26, 2009

So i will give you a update William is now 6 months old he will be 7 on the 18th he can roll like crazy he also scoots across the floor on his back he cant sit up all the way yet but that is my fault our house has all tile floor so i am scared to sit him on it alone cause it will hurt if he falls over. James started back to work in april he is in the grater again their is a pic below he likes it but is board driving 3 mph all day every day I am just sitting home playing with william it is getting warm now so we can start going out side soon. we are hoping to come down in july to see every one it should be fun william will be huge by then and hate the ride but i am hoping he will sleep alot of the way. we are hoping to get a new dog soon we want a heeler but they are 400 each so we hope we can find a cheaper one some where so thats all for now i will update about once a week but between then i will be putting random pics up

so on saturday november 15th my dr called me and the first words out of his mouth is misty you have been a bad girl i forgot to give the dr office my phone number he ended up calling my sister in law to get my number he told me i was 9 days over due and to come in on monday i was not about to tell him he got me due date wrong i was ready to be done the next night mom and tami,dan,steve,jaden and rylen came up it was so fun to see them we didnt get home until about 1 that night i had to go to the dr at 9 i left before any one was up we got to the dr they checked me said i was nothing so we had to run to the hospital for a ultrasound to make sure william was ok he was so the dr said he would start me on thursday mom was not to happy about that we went and got food before we headed home and my contractions started at 10:55 they where about 5 min apart give or take we drove home they kept coming at about 4 they where 4 min apart and starting to hurt we decided to go to the hospital about 6 by the time we got their they where 3 they put me in a room to make a long story short i only had the nose gas and one shot in my butt so after 45 min off pushing william cutter hart was born at 2:35 he was 8 lbs 9 oz and 21.5 inches long he was so cute

Monday, June 22, 2009

K well we will start from the beging we went to utah last march i was about 2 months late by then but didnt think any thing of it i am never normal so my sister and my mom made me take a test and before i could get my pants up their was to pink line holly cow this cant happen to me i cant be a mom what is going on i ran back and showed james he said i told you and gave me a hug next i went to mom she smiled and was excited i went outside showed weasle she screamed and gave my a hug took the test and run in the house tellin every one we went to dr parker and he took a ultrasound and told me i was about 6 weeks and that everything looked good so far a couple days latter aunt janice took me shopping and bought me my first baby thing a green car seat i was so excited by then we decided not to tell james family for a while but when we put the car seat in the van for the ride back to canada it kinda gave it away oh well so i couldnt get insurance for a couple months i was about 14 weeks the next time i saw the dr i got to here the heart beat is was very cool when i was 24 weeks we found out it was a boy and before we ever got married james wanted to name his son william after his granpa so that was easy the middle name james thought of its cutter after my best uncle that past away the end of may (we love you and miss you) so i though thtat was pretty cool everything went good no problems my due date jumped around so much all we knew for sure is that it was sometime in november .