Friday, June 26, 2009

So i will give you a update William is now 6 months old he will be 7 on the 18th he can roll like crazy he also scoots across the floor on his back he cant sit up all the way yet but that is my fault our house has all tile floor so i am scared to sit him on it alone cause it will hurt if he falls over. James started back to work in april he is in the grater again their is a pic below he likes it but is board driving 3 mph all day every day I am just sitting home playing with william it is getting warm now so we can start going out side soon. we are hoping to come down in july to see every one it should be fun william will be huge by then and hate the ride but i am hoping he will sleep alot of the way. we are hoping to get a new dog soon we want a heeler but they are 400 each so we hope we can find a cheaper one some where so thats all for now i will update about once a week but between then i will be putting random pics up

1 comment:

  1. HA HA HA What a typical dad !! William making a huge mess and dad sitting right there behind him on the couch LOL.
